VideoJet 8008 / VideoJet 8004 | Installation and Operating Manual
EN | 29
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-07 | V1.5 Configuration using a Web browser
Configuration using a Web browser 5
The integrated HTTP server provides you with the option to configure the unit
over the network with a Web browser. This option is significantly more compre-
hensive and convenient than configuration using a terminal program and also
offers you the option of displaying live video images.
Make sure the graphics card is set to 16- or 32-bit color depth and that Mi-
crosoft Virtual Machine is installed and activated on your PC. If necessary,
you can install the required software and controls from the product CD
supplied (see Components supplied, page 9).
Instructions for using the Web browser can be found in its online help.
System requirements
❚ Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or higher)
❚ Monitor resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
❚ Network access (Intranet or Internet)
Also note the information in the System Requirements document on the
product CD supplied.
Installing MPEG ActiveX
Suitable MPEG ActiveX software must be installed on the computer to al-
low the live video images to be played back. If necessary, you can install
the required software and controls from the product CD supplied (see
Components supplied, page 9).