
LTC 8555 Series | Instruction Manual | Installation
Bosch Security Systems | 29 August 2003
5.3.3 Allegiant System Command Scripts for
RS-232 Model Keyboards
When a keyboard is being connected to an Allegiant’s
Console port, or an Allegiant Printer port configured to
operate in the Console mode, the Allegiant must be
preprogrammed so the port will operate in the RS-232
keyboard mode.
The mode of the Allegiant’s Console port can be
changed either by a manually entered ASCII text
command, or preprogramming the Allegiant CPU with
an Allegiant Command Script. The Command Script
method is preferred since the appropriate settings are
automatically restored after a system power loss or reset.
Manually entered commands remain valid only until the
system is reset or powered off/on, so typically they
should be used only for temporary or test purposes.
To manually configure an Allegiant’s Console port to
operate in the keyboard mode, it is necessary to connect
to the system via Windows
HyperTerminal or another
dumb terminal emulator.
NOTE: Allegiant Console and Printer RS-232 ports do
not use a standard RS-232 pinout. Use of an Allegiant
Console cable is recommended (If necessary refer to the
Allegiant Console cable pinout reference at the end of
this manual).
The Allegiant RS-232 settings are user-programmable,
but the default settings are:
•Baud 19,200
Stop bits 1
Data bits 8
Parity None
Handshake None
Once online with the system, an Allegiant prompt
appears each time Enter is pressed. The prompt will look
as follows:
TC8x00 >
where x is a digit from one to nine (varies based on the
Allegiant model being interfaced)
At the system prompt, manually enter the appropriate
command, based on the Allegiant port in use, and type
of keyboard interface. Refer to the table below to
determine the correct command. Enter the command
exactly as shown below, then press ENTER.
After entering the command, the port will immediately
begin to operate in the keyboard mode. The port will
generate a series of constantly repeating codes. The
setting remains in effect until the system is reset,
powered off/on, or manually cancelled by entering
Ctrl-C several times, using Windows HyperTerminal
program operating at 9600 baud.
Keyboard interface connection type
Direct to Console port (except LTC 8900)
Command: SET-PORT-RS232 0 4 8 0 1 0;_SET_KBD_MODE 0 1
Direct to Printer port (except LTC 8900)
Command: SET-PORT-RS232 4 4 8 0 1 0;_SET_KBD_MODE 4 1
Modem connected to Console port (except LTC 8900)
Command: SET-PORT-RS232 0 4 8 0 1 1;_SET_KBD_MODE 0 1
Modem connected to Printer port (except LTC 8900)
SET-PORT-RS232 4 4 8 0 1 1;_SET_KBD_MODE 4 1
Direct to Controller port (LTC 8900 only)
SET-PORT-RS232 0 4 8 0 1 0;_SET_KBD_MODE 0 1
Direct to Console port (LTC 8900 only)
SET-PORT-RS232 4 4 8 0 1 0;_SET_KBD_MODE 4 1
Modem connected to Controller port (LTC 8900 only)
SET-PORT-RS232 0 4 8 0 1 1;_SET_KBD_MODE 0 1
Modem connected to Console port (LTC 8900 only)
SET-PORT-RS232 4 4 8 0 1 1;_SET_KBD_MODE 4 1