
LTC 8555 Series | Instruction Manual | Installation
Bosch Security Systems | 29 August 2003
To convert an Allegiant Console port using a CPU dipswitch method, set dipswitches 3 and 4 to the ON position on
CPU dipswitch S100, S1001, or S0201 (the switch number depends on the Allegiant model being used). After a
system reset (power off/on, for example), the Allegiant’s Console port is forced into the Port Expander mode, and the
RS-232 data rate is automatically set to 57,600 baud. To convert an Allegiant Console port via the Master Control
Software, connect to the Allegiant and go online. Select the Parameter tab, and then the Options tab. Check the box
labeled Set Console Port to Port-Expander mode. Download the table into the Allegiant.
To convert an Allegiant Printer port to operate in the Port Expander mode, first configure the Printer port to operate
as a Console port. This is done by setting dipswitch 4 to the ON position on CPU dipswitch S101, S1002, or S0202
(the switch number depends on the Allegiant model being used). After a system reset (power off/on, for example), the
Printer port will begin to operate as a Console port. Next, use either the Allegiant Keyboard User Function 38 or the
Master Control Software to change the port to the Port Expander mode. If using the Master Control Software,
connect to the Allegiant and go online. Select the Parameter tab, and then the Options tab. Check the box labeled Set
Printer Port to Port-Expander mode. Download the table into the Allegiant.
Set the internal dipswitches of the LTC 8712 Console Port Expander as follows:
NOTE 1: Set this dipswitch to ON to enable handshaking if a modem is connected to the Port Expander and used
for communicating to an RS-232 keyboard. Because the Port Expander uses this setting for all external connections,
all external devices connecting to the Port Expander must be configured to operate using a hardware handshake
Remember to power the Console Port Expander off/on whenever any changes are made to its internal dipswitches.
Connect the data cable supplied with the LTC 8712 Console Port Expander between the unit and the appropriately
configured port on the Allegiant. For further details refer to the instructions supplied with the LTC 8712 Port
Expander unit.
Using an optional LTC 8557 Hookup Kit, the RS-232 keyboard can now be connected to the appropriate port of the
Port Expander, as shown in Figure 8.
If a modem is being used, follow the same connections and configuration settings described in the previous section
when interfacing directly to an Allegiant Console port.
Dip Switch Position Comment
401.1 ON (Down) 57,600 baud for System communication
401.2 ON Handshaking enabled for System communication
401.3 OFF Reserved
401.4 OFF Reserved
401.5 ON To enable Port 1 for RS-232 Keyboard mode
401.6 ON To enable Port 2 for RS-232 Keyboard mode
401.7 ON To enable Port 3 for RS-232 Keyboard mode
401.8 ON To enable Port 4 for RS-232 Keyboard mode
402.1 OFF 9600 Baud for external communications
402.2 ON 9600 Baud for external communications
402.3 OFF
(Note 1)
Handshake disabled for external communications
402.4 OFF 1 Stop Bit for external communications
402.5 OFF No parity for external communications
402.6 OFF No parity for external communications
402.7 OFF 8 data Bits for external communications
402.8 OFF Reserved