
D9112 Operation & Installation Manual
Page 69
© 1993-1996 Radionics74-06144-000-C 2/96
Remote Station or Auxiliary Systems
Remote Station or Auxiliary Systems require 60 hours of standby plus 5 minutes of alarm
operation at the end of the 60 hour period. A D8132 Battery Charger Module with additional
batteries installed in a separate D8109 or D8108A enclosure may be required in the D9112
system to meet the basic standby requirements for a Remote Station or Auxiliary System
installation. You must use battery ampere hour (Ah) calculations to verify compliance. The
following formula includes the calculation for 5 minutes of alarm operation at the end of the
60 hour period, as well as a 10% contingency factor which allows for depletion of battery
capacity with age.
Remote Station or Auxiliary Systems Ampere-Hour Calculation Formula
Total B Hours Total C Hours Contingency Total Ah
( ________ x 60 ) + ( _______ x .083 ) + 10% = __________
Total Ah requirements must not exceed Ah capacity of batteries:
Two D126 Batteries = 14 Ah
Household Fire Warning Equipment
The Household Fire Warning Equipment Standard requires 24 hours of standby plus 4
minutes of alarm operation at the end of the 24 hour period. You must use battery ampere
hour (Ah) calculations to verify compliance. The following formula includes the calculation
for 4 minutes of alarm operation at the end of the 24 hour period, as well as a 10% contingency
factor which allows for depletion of battery capacity with age.
Household Fire Ampere-Hour Calculation Formula
Total B Hours Total C Hours Contingency Total Ah
( ________ x 24 ) + ( _______ x .067 ) + 10% = __________
Total Ah requirements must not exceed Ah capacity of batteries:
Two D126 Batteries = 14 Ah