D9112 Operation & Installation Manual
Page 71
© 1993-1996 Radionics74-06144-000-C 2/96
SERVC AC FAIL - AC Power Failed
An interruption of AC Power at terminals 1 and 2 causes SERVC AC FAIL to appear in
command center displays. You can program the panel to send an AC FAILED report to
the receiver. Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. Restoring power clears the display.
SERVC BATT LOW - Battery Voltage Low
If battery voltage at terminals 4 and 5 falls below 12.1 VDC, a SERVC BATT LOW
appears in command center displays. See
Battery and Power Reports
in this section for
probable causes and remedies.
Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. The display clears when battery voltage reaches
13.7 VDC.
SERVC BATT MSING - Battery Missing, Shorted, or Reversed
If the panel can not detect a battery at terminals 4 and 5, a SERVC BATT MSING
appears in command center displays. You can program the panel to send a BATTERY
MISSING report to the receiver.
Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. Restoring the battery clears the display.
SERVC COMM FAIL - Communications Failure
SERVC COMM FAIL appears in command center displays after the panel makes 10
unsuccessful attempts to report to the receiver.
Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. The display clears when communication restores
(the receiver acknowledges a report). See
Communication Failure
in the
section for a complete description.
SERVC KEYPAD - Supervised Command Center Missing
When the panel loses contact with a supervised command center, SERVC KEY PAD
appears at other command centers connected to the panel. The panel transmits an SDI
FAILURE report to the receiver.
Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. The displays clear when contact with the missing
command center restores.
SERVC PH LINE #1 (or 2) - Phone Line Failure
SERVC PH LINE #1 (SERVC PH LINE #2) appears in command center displays when
the panel detects a phone line as faulted.
Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. The display clears when the panel detects a normal
phone line. See
Phone Line Monitor
in the
Telephone Connections
section for a complete
SERVC PRINTER - Supervised Printer Missing
When the panel loses contact with a supervised printer, SERVC PRINTER appears in
command center displays.
Pressing CMD 4 silences the buzzer. The displays clear when contact with the missing
printer restores.