D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 6.0 RADXAUX1 EN | 128
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
This item determines if a fire trouble condition,
previously acknowledged and silenced at a
command center, automatically (locally) resounds
the fire trouble tone at 12:00 PM, 12:00 AM, or not
at all if the point is still in an off-normal state. Events
are not generated at the time resound occurs.
6.8 Cross Point Parameters
This section discusses the requirements necessary to
program Cross Point functions.
If a 9000 Series Control Panel is upgraded
to version 6.30, you MUST use
RADXAUX1 Handler version 1.05 or
higher. Failure to do so may cause
unexpected point response behavior (see
Section 6.2 RPS and D5200 Handler
The Cross Point option is designed to reduce false
alarms. To achieve this, points can be programmed
such that the control panel needs to see an Alarm
condition within a programmed period of time
(called Cross Point Time) from at least two points
within a Cross Point Group (see Table 40) before
Cross Point Alarm Events are generated. These
points need the Cross Point option enabled in their
corresponding point indexes to be able to generate
this event.
Cross Point Groups were established in the D9412G
and D7412G to support the Cross Point functions.
There are 31 Cross Point Groups in the D9412G
and ten in the D7412G. Each Cross Point Group
consists of eight points and is identified by the point
numbers in them (for example, Cross Points 1 to 8,
Cross Points 9 to 16, and so on). The maximum
number of points that can be programmed to meet
the Cross Point criteria is two. Point numbers from
different Cross Point Groups do not affect each
other. See Table 40 for a complete listing of Cross
Points comprising each Cross Point Group.
Table 40: Cross Point Ranges Within Groups
Cross Point Group Point Range
1 1 to 8
3 17 to 24
5 33 to 40
7 49 to 56
9 65 to 72
10 73 to 80
11 81 to 88
12 89 to 96
13 97 to 104
14 105 to 112
15 113 to 120
16 121 to 127
17 129 to 136
18 137 to 144
19 145 to 152
20 153 to 160
21 161 to 168
22 169 to 176
23 177 to 184
24 185 to 192
25 193 to 200
26 201 to 208
27 209 to 216
28 217 to 224
29 225 to 232
30 233 to 240
31 241 to 247
When any Cross Point detects an alarm condition,
the control panel starts a timer as programmed in
Cross Point Time
If a second Cross Point within the same Cross Point
Group detects an alarm condition, the control panel
creates a Cross Point Alarm Event for both points,
provided both points activate inside the Cross Point
If a single Cross Point detects an alarm and stays
faulted throughout the Cross Point Window, a
standard Alarm Report is generated for that point.