D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 RADXUSR1/RADXUSR2 EN | 73
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
3.1 Passcode/Token Worksheet
These programming items assign user groups 001 to
249 a passcode, area assignment by authority level,
and a User Group Window.
Two handlers in the D5200 Programmer are
used to program the users. RADXUSR1
Handler programs users 000 to 124.
RADXUSR2 programs users 125 to 249
(D9412G only).
3.1.1 User Groups
For the D9412G, there are 249 groups (99 groups for
the D7412G) consisting of one user with a passcode
and token, (master) and three users with
tokens/cards but not a passcode (sub-user). All users
in the group share the same authority level as the
master user.
3.1.2 Passcodes
Only the master user is assigned a passcode. The
passcode can be three to six digits. Entering three
digits in
User ###
chooses the master user.
Programming the
U### Passcode
assigns a
passcode to the master user. Sub-users cannot use
the passcode. While the system allows tokens/cards
to be added to USER 0 (service passcode), the
tokens/cards do not function because the service
passcode uses Authority Level 15.
3.1.3 User Group Window
U### User Group
to enable/disable the
U### Passcode
for up to eight different time
periods throughout the day. Assign the number (1 to
8) programmed in
U### User Group
to a
Windows #
. If the user is outside a window,
COMMAND DISABLED appears on the command
center after the user enters the passcode and presses
This window does not affect tokens/cards, it
only affects the passcode of the master
3.1.4 Authority Level by Area
A user group is assigned an authority level of 1
through 14 for each area using the
U### Area #
prompt. The authority level can be different
for each area. Not programming an authority level
for an area is indicated by the NOT AUTHORIZED
display on the command center.
When using the Add/Change User function
at the command center, the authority levels
and the changes made affect the master
user’s passcode and the entire group’s
When using the ACCESS CTL LVL function
at the command center, the whole group is
affected by whether the level is on or off for
access control functions only.
When using the DELETE USER? function,
the whole group is deleted. There is no
means to delete each user within the group
individually. It is recommended that you use
the ADD/CHG USER? function to change a
user token/card instead of deleting the
whole group.
3.1.5 User Name
Each user group can be assigned one
U### Name
This name is logged and reported to the central
station for all the users in the group. The user ID is
used to differentiate which user’s token/card was
Beginning with v6.30, when using a D1260
Command Center, User 249 text is used
for contact information text (such as
telephone numbers). If a D1260 is installed
on the system, do not use User 249 for
user ID information.
3.1.6 Tokens/Cards
The master user assigned the passcode can also be
assigned a token/card. This is done by programming
U### Mstr Site
U### Mstr C/D
Three more token/cards are assigned to the user
group for sub-users using the
U### SU# Site
U### SU# C/D
3.1.7 Reporting and Logging
Modem Format
must be Yes for the following
reports to the central station. Regardless of the
reporting format, they log and print at the local
printer as shown. Each sub-user is identified by the
master user’s three-digit number plus an extension of
0, 1, 2, or 3. These numbers are called Sub-user ID
Figure 3 shows all the users for User Group 122 as
they would appear.