
About this manual
This user manual is divided into five chapters.
Chapters 1 and 2 provide background information;
chapters 3 and 4 provide detailed user information as
Chapter 1 - Simultaneous Interpretation -
containing a brief overview of the Digital
Congress Network Next Generation, a summary
of the application modules available and an
overview of the functionality of the Simultaneous
Interpretation application.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started - containing details of
how to start the Simultaneous Interpretation
application from the Startup screen and a
description of the Help facility.
Chapter 3 - Preparing for a Conference -
containing details about assigning languages to
channels, assigning languages to desks, working
with interpreter configuration files, altering
microphone settings and printing.
Chapter 4 - Monitoring Interpretations -
containing details about viewing the status of the
simultaneous interpretations during a conference,
testing, and exiting Simultaneous Interpretation.
Manual conventions
For clarity this user manual uses consistent styles,
symbols and typographical conventions. They are:
i Note
General notes are contained within rules and
indicated with this symbol in the left margin.
Notes are used to draw attention to special
actions or information.
i Caution
A caution is contained within rules and
indicated with this symbol at the left margin.
Cautions are used to draw attention to actions
or commands that could lead to a loss of
information or damage to equipment
i Tip
A tip is contained within a box and indicated
with this symbol at the left margin. Tips are use
to provide supplementary information that may
make an action quicker or easier to carry out.
An action (to be carried out by the user) is shown
with a larger round bullet mark.
Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions (text styles)
are used in this manual:
Typed input - information to be typed in using
the keyboard is shown as:
Single key - input via a single key (or keys) on
the keyboard is shown as:
<enter>, <shift>, etc.
Multiple keys - input via a combination of keys
pressed together is shown as:
<ctrl>+<p>, <alt>+<f4>
Screen text - information that appears on screen
is shown as:
‘Choose Startup Modules:’
This manual is also available as a digital document in
the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). All
references to pages, figures, tables, etc. in this digital
document contain hyperlinks to the referenced location.