DCN Next Generation Multi Voting en | 33
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 September | 9922 141 70392
explanation. The default is 1 for the first vote and is the previous
value for subsequent votes.
Not used
The fields are not used, and can be left blank.
interim results
A number in the range 0-4 that specifies the interim results
setting. See table 3 for an explanation of these values. The default
is 0 for the first vote and is the previous value for all subsequent
number of answers
A number that indicates how many answers are possible in this
vote. This is a required entry. There is no default.
Indicates a separator character.
Indicates an end of line (carriage return (0x0D) and newline
Table 1: Voting kind numbering Table 2: Voting menu settings Table 3: Interim results settings
1 Parliamentary vote 1 Yes, No 0 None
2 For/Against vote 2 Yes, No, Abstain 1 Total
3 Audience Response vote 3 For, Against 2 Total + Individual
4 Rating vote 4 --, -, 0, +, ++ 3 Total on PC only
5 Multiple Choice vote 5 1, 2, 3, ... 4 Total + Individual on PC
6 Opinion Poll vote 6 A, B, C, ...
7 ..., C, B, A
8 Yes, No, Abstain, NPPV
Second line:
answer legend<SEP>answer text<SEP>answer correct<EOL>
answer legend
Legend text for this answer (10 characters maximum).
answer text
Descriptive text for this answer (66 characters maximum).
answer correct
In a multiple choice vote, this setting indicates whether the
answer is correct (TRUE) or incorrect (FALSE).
i Note
This line is repeated for the number of answers.
5.3 Export voting results
5.3.1 Introduction
In DCN Next Generation Voting applications, it is possible to automatically save the final voting results for a
single voting round. This section specifies the layout of such an export file.
5.3.2 Results export file layout
The results export file is composed of the following lines of data (in this order):
This section is the 1
line in the file.
answer legend
This section consists of lines repeated for each possible answer in
this vote (see table 1, section 5.2.2 ).
date and time
This section contains the date and time the voting was stopped.
total results
This section consists of a part with a fixed number of lines with the
totals and a part consisting of lines repeated for each possible
answer in this vote (see table 1, section 5.2.2 ). I.e. totals per
individual results
This section is conditional and consists of a line for each delegate.