DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 4
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
1 Video Display
1.1 About Video Display
1.1.1 What is Video Display?
The Video Display module is one of the software
modules designed to be used in conferences and
discussions using the contribution equipment.
Its function is to interface the software with
conference video displays. The Video Display
module provides a means of displaying conference-
related information on video displays located in the
conference venue. The information can consist of
text, numbers and graphical elements like bar charts.
All the information displayed is generated by other
modules, and it is not possible to alter this
information in Video Display.
i Note
If information is to be displayed on video
displays, data must be converted within the
DCN Next Generation control PC or
transferred to a separate PC via an ethernet
To use Video Display, it is necessary to have a Video
Display (VD) Client application. The VD Client
application receives the information which is passed
to it from the Video Display (server) module. The
user can change settings related to how information is
displayed on the video screens, such as text or
background colours. This can be carried out either
during or after installation of the VD Client software.
i Note
Video Display information is available via the
windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
A VD Client software is available at the Bosch
Security Systems Extranet or at your dealer.
i Note
Since Microsoft launched Windows XP service
pack 2 it is not possible to use DDE in a
network. To workaround you have to convert
the DDE locally to another protocol and
transport this over the network to the PC where
the VD Client is running.
The VD Client at Bosch Security Systems
Extranet does run on a Windows XP service
pack 2 network.
Video Display is unlike all other modules in that
there is no user action required to operate it. It
carries out its function - interfacing the software with
video displays - automatically. This document is
therefore not a user manual but a reference manual.
It gives information on the DDE information which
is the protocol used to transport the information from
the Video Display module to the Video Client.