DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 9
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
A string of at most 132 characters containing the 4 lines of the subject text, without separators between them.
(If there are commas in the string they are part of the subject text.)
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set
to “On”.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = KIND
Supplies the type of the current vote.
A string containing one of the following texts (or their translations if DCN Next Generation is installed in
another language):
• “Parliamentary”
• “For/Against”
• “Audience Response”
• “Rating”
• “Multiple Choice”
• “Opinion Poll”
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWLEG
Supplies the legends of the possible answers in a vote.
A string containing the legend texts separated by commas. Each legend is at most 10 characters long.
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWTXT
Supplies the full descriptive texts of the possible answers in a multiple choice or opinion poll vote.
“fixed_legend 1, answer_legend 1, description 1,
fixed_legend 2, answer_legend 2, description 2,
fixed_legend X
The legend as shown on the LCD’s. The fixed legend consist of a
single character.
answer_legend X
The legend of the answer as shown on the numeric hall -displays.
Each answer legend is at most 10 characters long.
description X
The full description of the answer. The description is at most 66
characters (2 lines of 33 characters without separators).
A multiple choice or opinion poll vote is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set
to “On”.
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWCOR
Indicates which of the possible answers in a multiple choice vote is/are correct and which is/are false.
“legend 1, value 1, legend 2, value 2, ...”
legend X
the legend of the answer
value X
The digit “1” if this is a correct answer or digit “0” otherwise.