LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series en | 17
F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03 Instruction Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
7 System Accessory Components
The Allegiant Series accessory products provide many optional features to the base
system. A brief description of accessory products is provided below. Complete
specification information can be found in respective product data sheets. Applica-
ble accessories are designed to be compatible throughout the Allegiant Series.
7.1 LTC 8540/00 Alarm Interface Unit
The LTC 8540/00 is an alarm gathering unit which accepts up to 64 dry contact clo-
sures or logic level inputs from remote sensing devices such as door contacts, PIRs,
etc. and then reports this alarm information to the main CPU bay. Alarm inputs may
be configured in groups of 32 to accept either normally open or normally closed
contacts. The LTC 8540/00 unit provides eight (8) relay outputs which can be used
to drive external alerting devices, DVR's, and other devices.
7.2 LTC 8568 and LTC 8768 Signal Distribution Units
The signal distribution is a main site control code distribution and line driver units
are available for communicating to receiver/drivers, switcher followers, and Alle-
giant Satellite systems. The LTC 8568/00 Signal Distribution Unit provides 32 sepa-
rate outputs for driving up to 256 remote devices. Either “star” or “daisy chain”
wiring configurations may be used. The LTC 8768/00 Signal Distribution unit is sim-
ilar to the LTC 8568/00, except that it provides 64 separate outputs for driving up to
512 remote devices.
7.3 IntuiKey Series KBD-Universal Keyboard
The IntuiKey KBD-UNIVERSAL is a full function keyboard used for control and pro-
gramming of the Allegiant Series matrix switchers. Backlit LCD screens provide
multi-language display of softkey menus and status information. Integral variable
speed joystick and zoom lens controls are standard for operating fixed or variable
speed pan/tilt/zoom equipped cameras. Both Allegiant RS-485 and Allegiant
RS-232 keyboard protocols are supported.
In addition to the Allegiant Series, the KBD-UNIVERSAL model IntuiKey can be used
to simultaneously control Divar Series DVRs, System4 Series multiplexers, and
access ADIM based DVR control screens.
7.4 KBD-Rack Keyboard Mounting Kit
Rack-mounting kit designed to provide vertical, horizontal, or inclined mounting for
IntuiKey keyboards.