82 | en LTC 8600 | LTC 8800 Series
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Instruction Manual F.01U.127.393 | 2.0 | 2009.03
Some minor disturbance of the video images may be visible for 1 or 2 seconds while
the cameras are being adjusted. If no changes are noticed, check to make sure that
you have compatible devices in your system.
If using an LTC 8555 keyboard, press [User] to exit the mode.
User Function 45 – CPU Temperature Status
Use this function to view the condition of the CPU temperature. Once the function
is entered, the condition is displayed on the monitor text display.
If using the LTC 8555 keyboard, press [User] to exit the mode.
User Function 46 – Two/Three Line Titles
Use this function to enable a third line of on-screen text. This new line can be used
to display up to 24 additional camera title characters, providing a total of 40 charac-
ters (or 20 'double width' characters) for each camera. Alternatively, this line can be
used to display the 12-character Monitor title.
Once the function is entered, move the joystick up/down to select the desired
option. Enter a valid user password, and press [Enter]. The on-screen display of
some system monitors may take up to 1 minute before changing.
After enabling/disabling this feature, it is recommended to enter User Function 24
(see above) to adjust vertical height of the on-screen text to the desired position.
Note: At time of this publication, the available version of the PC-based LTC 8059
Master Control Software only supports user programming of the standard 16 char-
acters of the camera titles. The additional 24 characters can only be programmed
using User Function 9 (see above) or via third party RS-232 serial interface utilizing
the Allegiant Command Console Language (CCL) commands.
User Function 47 – Six-digit Camera ID
Use this function to enable/disable “6-digit Camera ID” mode. When enabled, 2-
digit “site numbers” are displayed in addition to the 4-digit camera number. The 2-
digit site number feature is especially useful when groups of cameras are located in
separate buildings, floors, or other common areas.
By default, all 6-digit camera numbers are assigned to site “00” and the remaining
digits correspond to the standard 4-digit camera numbers. Use the PC-based LTC
8059 Master Control Software to enter unique 6-digit camera numbers for each sys-
tem camera. When enabled, all keyboard based camera selections and Sequence
programming must be done using the 6-digit number.
Once the function is entered, move the joystick up/down to select the desired
option. Enter a valid user password, and press [Enter]. The on-screen display of
some system monitors may take up to 1 minute before changing.
Note: This feature requires firmware versions released for certain system compo-
nents in March 2009. If necessary, compare firmware versions against the list of
components below to determine if the feature is available in your system:
User Function 99 – User Function Index
This function is an index listing of all Keyboard User Functions. Move the joystick up
or down to view an abbreviated description of the function number currently shown
in the first line of the monitor display. Only those functions available to the user
(based on their priority level) will be displayed.
COMPONENT Firmware Version
LTC 8x10/01 series CPU/Data Receiver modules 10.05 or later
Intuikey keyboard firmware 1.93 or later
LTC 8555 keyboard firmware 5.90 or later
LTC 8834/00 Video Output Module 3.30
LTC 8059/00 Master Control Software 2.90