Security Escort | Technical Reference Manual | 3.0 System Menus
and Screens
Bosch Security Systems | 6/12 | 38947D
Red LED - Strobe
If this checkbox is checked, the red
LED output of a receiver or the strobe
output of an alert unit is turned on if
On is clicked, or off if Off is
clicked. If this checkbox is not
checked, the state of this output does
not change.
When clicked, the checked Horn-Siren,
Green LED, and Red LED - Strobe outputs
are turned off for the selected point
on the selected transponder. If the
output does not change, click On and
then click Off again.
When clicked, the checked Horn-Siren,
Green LED and Red LED - Strobe outputs
are turned on for the selected point on
the selected transponder. If the output
does not change, click Off and then
click On again.
The Ambient value is shown above Auto
Advance displaying the current ambient
level at the receiver. To get an
updated ambient reading, select the
point, click the Transmit button, and
click the Ambient button.
RF Micro Version
The receiver’s RF micro revision level
is shown below Auto Advance. To get an
updated reading, click the Revision
Normally, a receiver automatically
switches between its diversity antennas
during normal operation (leave the
default selection on a working system
at this setting). The receiver can be
forced to use only the left or right
antenna, or always switch by selecting
the appropriate setting and clicking
the Antenna button.
Ant Map
Clicking Ant Map causes the system to
interrogate the current antenna
switching settings of all receivers on
this transponder.
Clicking Transmit causes this receiver
to send one test transmission.
Reset Point
Clicking Reset Point causes the
microprocessors on this point to reset
as if they were just powered up. A
receiver should not be reset in a
working system, as it can cause
receptions to be lost.
Clicking Ambient causes the system to
interrogate the current ambient levels
of all receivers on this transponder.
Clicking Revision causes the system to
interrogate the RF micro revision
levels of all receivers on this
A receiver monitors the ambient level
during normal operation. If the ambient
level rises above the jamming setting
and jamming trouble, it is reported to
the central console. The receiver’s
jamming level can be adjusted by
selecting the appropriate setting
(shown in hexadecimal levels) and
clicking the Jamming button.
Jam Map
Clicking Jam Map causes the system to
interrogate the jamming setting levels
of all receivers on this transponder.
3.3.14 Receiver Test Screen
Use this screen to set up and monitor
four receivers and listen to one
receiver transmitting with its Buddy
Check Transmitter. Normally, the
function is for engineering evaluation
of new transmitter and receiver
designs, but it can be used to test
receiver boards and locations in a
working system.
Figure 499: Receiver Test Screen