Door Paneminstallation
1/4" max,
;ram) _
_ J
Figure 16
SH U/SH E ModeJs - Accessory Panel lnstaJtation
Ufyou have an SHU/SHE modeUand have ordered an
accessory paneUkit, install the paneUprior to sliding the
dishwasher into pUace.The paneUdimensions are shown in
Figure 16.
SHI Modets - Panet Installation
SHUmodeUscome with additionaUmounting hardware and
a tempUatesheet with installation instructions. The stain°
UesssteeUmodeUs of the SHUseries aUsocome with two
extension pieces. The extension pieces are used to
match the control panel height (Figure 17, "B" dimension)
to the horizontal drawer line of the cabinets, and must be
installed as shown in on the template sheet. The standard
piece is used for drawer heights up to 6" (152mm); the
long piece is used for drawer heights greater than 6"
(152mm) but 6o7/16" (164mm) or less. Ifyou r drawers are
taller than 6o7/16", you can either slide the extension
piece in as far as it will go, or remove it and fit the door
panel directly below the control panel.
Figure 17
SIll/SHY Models - Panel lnstaJlation
SHV models come with additional mounting hardware and
a template sheet that will show you how to mount the
panel. One side of the template shows how to mount a
one piece panel; the other side shows how to mount a two
piece panel. Decide which type of installation you want
before proceeding with the installation.
Fig. 17
SHI Only
Fig. 18 Panem Dimension
20 11/16" - 25"
D (SHJ) (526turn - 635mrn)
E 27 3/!6" - 30 5/16"
(SIll & SHV) (690mm - 770mm)
F 23 [€/16" - 23 3/8"
(SHI & SHV) (589mrn - 594turn)
Extension "A"
Max, oMino "B .... C"
Standard Long Max,=Mino
5/16- 11/16" i11/16- 1 1/8" 55/!6" 55/8-67/16"
(8-18mm) i(18 - 29mm) (!35mm) (143 - 164mm)