Materials Supplied
Accessory Parts Supplied
Accessory parts for your dishwasher come in one or more pUasticbags that are outlined bebw.
NOTE: Make sure you save aHthe bags until you have compbted your installation.
NOTE: Always use the suppibd or recommended hardware.
f Manual Set Bag
A ManuaUSet Bag is provided with each dishwasher and
A Use & Care instructions and installation
instructions (both manuab may be included
B Quick Reference Guide (sebct modeb)
C ExtraTaH item SpdnHer
D SHUand SHV installation Template (SHI and SHV _
models only)
; r
E White Cotton Insulation Strip (SHY66C, SHX99A,
SH E66C, SH E99C, SHX57C and SHV57C models
f" Dishwasher Installation Kit
A Dishwasher Installation Kit is provided with each
dishwasher and includes:
F Toe Panel Screws (2 black machine screws)
Note: These screws are included, but not used on
models with the Toe Panel Installation Kit.
G Counter Top Mounting Brackets (2 '%"shaped metal
H Mounting Bracket Screws (2 silver wood screws)
1 Rubber Drain Hose Adaptor (1 Mack rubber tube)
J Hose Clamps ( 1 silver spring clamp to use to
attach the rubber adaptor to the Drain Hose and 1
gold screw clamp to attach the rubber adaptor to
K Wire Nuts (3 for electrical connection)
L Electrical Junction Box Screws (2 silver
M Leg Leveler Locking Screws (2 gold coarse
!h sad screws!
f SHI/SHV Door Panel Installation Kit
A Door Panel Installation Kit is provided with select
dishwashers that use a custom wood door panel and
N Plastic Caps (2)
0 Spring Tension Screws (2 larger silver machine
screws used to adjust the door springs to accom-
modate doors of different weights)
P Door Mounting Brackets (2 gold metal brackets
and 2 white plastic brackets used to mount the
custom door)
Q Door Mounting Bracket Screws (8 silver wood
R Door Mounting Screws (2 long silver screws used
@@ @,@
f Toe Panel Installation Kit
A Toe Panel Installation Kit is provided on models
SHY66C, SHX99A, SHE66C, SHE99C, SHX57C, and
SHV57C. These models have a special noise reducing
Toe Panel with the following mounting hardware:
S Toe Panel Screws (2 black screws used to attach
T Black Plastic Base Access Panel Screws (2 long
silver screws used to attach the Black plastic
Base Access Pans!!o!he d!shwasher: _J