128 en | Configuring the AutoDome Junior HD AutoDome Junior HD
F.01U.275.803 | 6.0 | 2012.11 Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
I-frame Distance
This parameter allows you to set the intervals in which the I-
frames will be coded. 0 means auto mode, whereby the video
server inserts I-frames as necessary. An entry of 1 indicates that
I-frames are continuously generated. An entry of 2 indicates
that only every second image is an I-frame, and 3 only every
third image etc.; the frames in between are coded as P-frames.
I-frame Quality
This setting allows you to adjust the image quality of the I-
frames. The basic setting Auto automatically adjusts the quality
to the settings for the P-frame video quality. Alternatively, you
can use the slide control to set a value between 9and51. The
value 9 represents the best image quality with, if necessary, a
lower frame refresh rate depending on the settings for the
maximum data rate. A value of 51 results in a very high refresh
rate and lower image quality.
P-frame Quality
This setting allows you to adjust the maximum image quality of
the P-frames. The basic setting Auto automatically adjusts to
the optimum combination of movement and image definition
(focus). Alternatively, you can use the slide control to set a
value between 9and51. The value 9 represents the best image
quality with, if necessary, a lower frame refresh rate depending
on the settings for the maximum data rate. A value of 51 results
in a very high refresh rate and lower image quality.
Click Default to return the profile to the factory default values.
12.18 Encoder Streams
Select the property and default profile for each H.264 stream
and set the parameters for the M-JPEG stream.
The choices for Stream 1 depend on the resolution setting in
the Installer Menu page (Section 12.16 Installer Menu,
page 123).
For the first H.264 stream you can select from these options: