Problems with Scanning > Scanner Does Not Work After Upgrading Windows
Scanner Does Not Work After Upgrading Windows
Check: Disconnect the USB cable, then uninstall and reinstall the MP
Drivers and MP Navigator EX.
Step 1: Uninstall the MP Drivers.
See "
Deleting the Unnecessary MP Drivers " for details.
Step 2: Uninstall MP Navigator EX.
From the Start menu, select (All) Programs > Canon Utilities > MP Navigator EX 3.1 > MP
Navigator EX Uninstall.
In Windows 7 or Windows Vista, a confirmation/warning dialog box may appear when
installing, uninstalling or starting up software.
This dialog box appears when administrative rights are required to perform a task.
If you are logged on to an administrator account, follow the on-screen instructions.
When a confirmation appears, click Yes.
When uninstallation is complete, click OK.
MP Navigator EX is uninstalled.
Step 3: Reinstall the MP Drivers and MP Navigator EX.
Insert the
Setup CD-ROM
into the computer's disc drive, then select Custom Install and reinstall the
MP Drivers and MP Navigator EX.
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