Troubleshooting > General Notes (Fax Driver)
General Notes (Fax Driver)
This fax driver is subject to the following restrictions. Keep the following points in mind when using the
fax driver.
Microsoft Excel 2002 may not always work correctly when sending a document as a fax using the
fax driver and with the option Allow A4/Letter Paper Resizing. Follow the instructions below to
solve the problem:
1. Click Options... from the Tools menu.
2. Uncheck the Allow A4/Letter Paper Resizing option on the International tab.
If you use a network compatible printer, the following message appears to stop sending if you
send a fax from your computer to a printer on the network when someone else is sending from
another computer:
"The fax transmission was unsuccessful. Check the followings and send your fax again:
- cable connections
- printer status
- recipient information
- recipient's fax line is not busy
- (when connected to the network) fax is not being sent from other computer"
If you assign the fax driver to the Bluetooth port, you cannot send a fax from the computer.
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Page 900 of 973 pagesGeneral Notes (Fax Driver)