
Stored Job Management
Displaying Stored Job Status
The status of stored jobs retrieved from Canon Business Imaging Online is displayed in the stored job
details dialog of the Print Services screen.
The types of status that are displayed are described below.
Status Description
Receiving Receiving stored job with Canon Business Imaging Online
Waiting Successfully received stored job with Canon Business Imaging Online
Completed receipt of stored job with Canon Business Imaging Online and printing
in process
Printed Completed printing
Deleting Processing deletion
RX Error Could not complete receipt of stored job with Canon Business Imaging Online
Ended in Err. Printing failed
Waiting to Print
Canon Business Imaging Online received print request but printing not yet in
Canceled Canceled printing before completion
Processing Canon Business Imaging Online is exporting a stored job for an output option
Deleted Completed deletion
If Deleting, RX Error, Ended in Err., Canceled, or Deleted is displayed for the status, the print result for
that job is error.