Changing the Settings
You can click to update the current display.
The values displayed in the entry fields of [New Setting Value] column are as follows:
1. When the setting is in the settings file
The settings file value is displayed.
2. When the setting is not in the settings file
If entry is required, the default value is displayed.
If entry is not required, it is left blank.
If you press [Auto Set], a value appropriate for Canon Business Imaging Online is automatically
entered for [New Setting Value].
Setting Items
The settings and setting values that can be changed with the Management Console are described
Setting Item Setting Value Details Notes
WebMonitor.Url Set the URL for Canon Business
Imaging Online. The URL is as follows:
If you click [Auto Set], the URL is
automatically entered in [New
Setting Value].
WebMonitor.Device.ProxyInfo 0: Select when not using the device
proxy server settings for Canon
Business Imaging Online connection.
1: Select when using the device proxy
server settings for Canon Business
Imaging Online connection.
The default is '1'.
OMPrintServer.Port This item is not available.
WebMonitor.HttpTimeout Set the time-out time for the HTTP
connection with Canon Business
Imaging Online.
Set within the range 1000 to 30000
(unit: milliseconds).
The default is '30000'.
WebMonitor.ReadTimeout Set the time-out time for response
reading with Canon Business Imaging
Set within the range 1000 to 180000
(unit: milliseconds).
The default is '60000'.