Distributing Still Images to Mobile Phones
Creating Web Pages for Video Distribution
Specify the viewing angle of the camera (horizontal direction) in units of
0.01 degree.
Example:Viewing angle of 50 degrees Zoom = 5000
Viewing angle of 5 degrees Zoom = 500
Specify the image size in one of the following formats:
QQVGA v=jpg: 160 x 120
QVGA v=jpg: 320 x 240
VGA v=jpg: 640 x 480
As for pan, tilt and zoom, a relative position from the current position can be specified using
"d" indicating the current position.
Pan 10 degrees to the right from the current position Pan = d+1000
Tilt 5 degrees downward from the current position Tilt = d-500
Narrow the viewing angle by 2 degrees Zoom = d-200
Widen the viewing angle by 2 degrees Zoom = d+200
Also, a ratio of the current viewing angle can be specified using "v." In this specification
method, set a ratio based on the current viewing angle being 100. (One half the viewing angle
corresponds to 50, while twice the viewing angle corresponds to 200.)
Pan to the right by the viewing angle (= 1 screen) from the current position Pan = v+100
Tilt downward by one half the screen from the current position Tilt = v-50
Halve the viewing angle Zoom = v+50
Double the viewing angle Zoom = v+200
Command Explanation