List of Log Messages
A120 Resolution of upload destination name failed [notice]
A121 Connection to upload destination failed [notice]
A122 Connection to upload destination failed [notice]
A130 Stream recording buffer recovered [notice]
A134 Invalid upload setting (FTP/HTTP mode) [notice]
A135 Invalid upload setting (FTP PORT/PASV mode) [notice]
A136 Invalid upload setting (HTTP notification only/image mode) [notice]
Description uploader cannot resolve the server name (A120)
Meaning The name of the upload destination could not be resolved.
Description uploader cannot connect to the server (A121)
Meaning The upload destination could not be connected ( ).
Description uploader cannot connect the server (A122)
The upload destination could not be connected due to a reason other than
A120 and A121.
Description stream buffer recovered - lost=<Number of destroyed frames> (A130)
Meaning The image buffer for stream recording has recovered.
Description ftp/http mode invalid. uploader set <none> forcibly (A134)
The upload mode setting is invalid. The upload function was forcibly
Description ftp port/pasv mode invalid. uploader set <pasv> forcibly (A135)
The PORT/PASV mode setting in connection with FTP upload is invalid. The
PASV mode was forcibly set.
Description http notice/image mode invalid. uploader set <image> forcibly (A136)
The notification only/image mode setting in connection with HTTP upload
is invalid. The image mode was forcibly set.