Chapter 5 Troubleshooting 5-7
Cause Solution
Printer port LPT1: fault Check the status of the printer port LPT1
Click on Start, Settings, and Control Panel. Double-click
on the System icon. On the Device Manager tab, double-
click Ports (COM & LPT). Double-click Canon BJ LPT
Printer Port (LPT1). The Device status should read “This
device is working properly.”
Installed printer driver Remove the installed BJ printer driver and then
not operating correctly install the printer driver again
To uninstall the printer driver, click Start and select
Programs. Then select BJ Printer and click Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions. For details about
installing the printer driver, see the Quick Start Guide.
A Windows Printing Change the WPS driver port setting to FILE or
System (WPS) driver delete the WPS driver
is installed on the To change the port setting, open the WPS Driver
computer Properties window. In the Details tab, select FILE in the
“Print to Port” setting.
To delete the WPS driver, click Start and select
Programs. Then select Windows Printing System
and click Uninstaller. Follow the on-screen
To continue using the WPS printer, install a second
parallel port.