Chapter 5 Troubleshooting 5-9
Cause Solution
Installed printer driver Reinstall the printer driver
not operating correctly Remove the installed BJ printer driver and then install the
printer driver again.
To uninstall the printer driver, click Start and select
Programs. Then select BJ Printer and click Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Print Job Will Not Start
Cause Solution
The power cord is Check your power cord
disconnected from the Check that the power cord is securely connected
power outlet to the power outlet.
No power is coming Check the outlet
from the power outlet Check that power is coming from the power outlet.
The printer and the Check your cables
computer are not Connect the power cord and the printer cable securely.
properly connected For details, see the Quick Start Guide.
with the printer cable
A large-sized document, Wait awhile until printing starts
such as a photograph or Data transfer takes longer with large-sized documents.
graphics, is being printed
The printer driver being Make sure the BJC-2000 driver is selected
used is not the BJC-2000 Check the printer name in the Print dialog box of the
printer driver application software, and select BJC-2000.
The printer port is not Check the port setting
set correctly If the printer and the computer are connected directly
with a cable, set the “Print to following port:” setting in
the printer driver setup screen to LPT1.
The computer printer Check the ECP setting
port is set to ECP Delete the computer ECP mode and try printing again.