Error Messages
# 755
Cause 1 You cannot send jobs because TCP/IP is not functioning correctly.
Remedy Check TCP/IP Settings in Network Settings in System Settings (from the
Additional Functions screen).
Cause 2 The IP address is not set.
Remedy Check TCP/IP Settings in Network Settings in System Settings (from the
Additional Functions screen).
Cause 3 When the machine was turned ON, an IP address was not assigned to the
machine by the DHCP, RARP, or BOOTP server.
Remedy Check TCP/IP Settings in Network Settings in System Settings (from the
Additional Functions screen).
# 756
Cause NetWare in NetWare Settings in Network Settings in System Settings (from the
Additional Functions screen) is set to 'Off'.
Remedy Turn NetWare 'On'.
# 761
Cause A PDF with a digital signature could not be sent because a digital certificate or
key pair registered in the machine is corrupt or could not be accessed.
Remedy 1 If you are sending a PDF with a user signature, confirm that the user certificate
is not corrupt. If the user certificate is corrupt, re-install it. (See Chapter 3,
"Using a TCP/IP Network," in the Network Guide.)
Remedy 2 If you are sending a PDF with a device signature, confirm that the device
certificate is not corrupt. If the device certificate is corrupt, generate it again.
(See Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/IP Network," in the Network Guide.)
# 766
Cause The certificate used to send a PDF with a digital signature has expired.
Remedy 1 Update the certificate, or use a certificate which has not expired.
Remedy 2 Set the date and time of the machine to the correct date and time.