Subaddress is the global telecommunications standard specified by the ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardization Sector).
When the remote party's machine supports the same standard, confidential or
relayed communications are possible by attaching a subaddress and a password in
Subaddress Books
The main Address Book is subdivided into 10 smaller address books, which are
considered subaddress books.
Super Fine
A resolution mode for sending originals at four times the detail of the Standard
resolution mode. If the receiving machine does not support this mode, the document
is automatically sent in the Fine mode.
Super G3
Super G3 is a phrase used to describe the generation of fax machines that use ITU-T
V.34 standard 33.6 Kbps modems. Super G3 high-speed fax machines allow a
transmission time of approximately three seconds per page, which results in reduced
telephone line charges.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The protocol used to connect to the
Internet and wide area networks.
Telephone Line Type
Depending on the type of phone line that you have, set the machine to touch tone (T)
or pulse (P) dialing.
Tagged Image File Format. A file format that saves images as high-density bitmaps,
and is suitable for large amounts of image data. The information field (tag) at the start
of each image data record indicates the type of data represented.
Some data services may require that you use tone dialing. If you have a pulse dial
telephone, press [Tone] to switch temporarily from pulse to tone dialing when
connecting to these data services.