2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON CLC5000 REV.0 JAN. 2001
6.6.2 Detecting Overheating
(hardware)........................ 2-127
6.6.3 Detecting an Open Circuit
in the Thermistor ............. 2-128
6.6.4 Detecting a Fault in the
Triac ................................. 2-128
6.6.5 Detecting Overheating of
Fixing Oil (software) ....... 2-128
6.6.6 Detecting Overheating of
Fixing Oil (hardware) ...... 2-128
6.6.7 Detecting Low Temperature of
Oil (software)................... 2-129
6.6.8 Detecting Low Temperature of
Oil (hardware).................. 2-129
6.6.9 Operation of the Thermal
Switch .............................. 2-129
6.7 Controlling the Fixing Speed. 2-130
6.8 Timing Chart
(fixing/delivery assembly) ..... 2-131
6.8.1 Basic Sequence of
Operations........................ 2-131
6.8.2 Changing the Fixing
Speed ............................... 2-132
6.9 Driving the Fixing Cleaning
Web ........................................ 2-133
6.10 Disassembly/Assembly .......... 2-134
6.10.1 Fixing Assembly .............. 2-135
6.10.2 Upper Fixing Cleaner
Assembly .........................2-141
6.10.3 Lower Fixing Cleaning
Assembly .........................2-143
6.10.4 Fixing Oil Applying Unit 2-144
7 Externals and Controls ................... 2-150
7.1 Outline of the Externals and
Controls.................................. 2-150
7.2 Differences in the Externals and
Controls.................................. 2-150
7.3 Fans ........................................ 2-151
7.3.1 Arrangement of the Fans . 2-151
7.3.2 Types of Fans ................... 2-152
7.3.3 Sequence of Operations... 2-153
7.4 Power Supply ......................... 2-154
7.5 Download ............................... 2-157
7.6 Disassembly/Assembly .......... 2-158
7.6.1 Fans and Filters................ 2-159
7.6.2 Switches........................... 2-169
7.6.3 PCBs ................................ 2-169
7.6.4 Drive System ................... 2-184
8 Paper Deck-J1/K1 ........................... 2-197
8.1 Outline ................................... 2-197
8.2 Differences in the Paper
Deck-J1/K1 ............................ 2-197
8.3 Outline of Operations ............ 2-198
8.3.1 Outline .............................2-198
8.3.2 Pickup Operations ........... 2-199
8.3.3 Sequence of Operations
(pickup from paper deck) 2-200
8.4 Disassembly/Assembly .......... 2-201
8.4.1 Removing the Pickup
Roller ............................... 2-202
8.4.2 Removing the Pickup/Feed
roller ................................ 2-203
8.4.3 Removing the Separation
Roller ............................... 2-205
8.4.4 Removing the deck
sensor ............................... 2-206
9 Buffer Pass Unit-B1........................ 2-207
9.1 Outline ................................... 2-207
9.1.1 Outline of the Electrical
Circuitry ...........................2-208
9.1.2 Inputs to and Outputs from the
Buffer Pass Driver PCB ...2-209
9.2 Differences in the Buffer Path
Unit ........................................ 2-211
9.3 Feeding Operations ................ 2-212
9.3.1 Outline .............................2-212
9.3.2 Controlling the Feeding
Speed ............................... 2-216
9.3.3 Controlling the Buffer Pass
Motor ............................... 2-217
9.4 Removing Curling ................. 2-219
9.4.1 Outline .............................2-219
9.4.2 Operations........................ 2-221
9.5 Detecting Jams ....................... 2-224
9.5.1 Outline .............................2-224
9.5.2 Delay Jam ........................ 2-225
9.5.3 Stationary Jam ................. 2-226
9.6 Power Supply ......................... 2-227