2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON CLC5000 REV.0 JAN. 2001
9.6.1 Outline ................................... 2-227
9.7 Disassembly/Assembly .......... 2-228
9.7.1 External Covers ............... 2-229
9.7.2 Feeding System ............... 2-230
9.7.3 PCBs ................................ 2-244
9.7.4 Fans and Motors .............. 2-245
9.7.5 Sensors.............................2-249
9.7.6 Solenoids ......................... 2-253
1 Selecting the Site ................................ 3-1
2 Points to Note for Installation and Relo-
cation .................................................. 3-4
2.1 Base Plate and Installation/
Relocation Work ........................ 3-4
3 Installation .......................................... 3-5
3.1 Unpacking .................................. 3-5
3.2 Removing the Fixings, Supplying
Fixing Oil, and Changing the Volt-
age Rating (240V North American
Model)........................................ 3-7
3.3 Supplying Toner....................... 3-14
3.4 Supplying Starter ..................... 3-22
3.5 Checking Images and
Operations ................................ 3-26
4 Relocating the Machine .................... 3-27
5 Installing the Original Tray .............. 3-29
6 Installing the Control Card V ........... 3-30
7 Installing the DA Unit-A1 ................ 3-34
8 Using the Crane Transport kit........... 3-38
8.1 Items to Prepare ....................... 3-38
8.2 Procedure ................................. 3-39
8.2.1 Preventing Deformation of
Externals ............................ 3-39
8.2.2 Mounting the Belt Retaining
Members ............................ 3-40
8.2.3 Mounting the Developing Bias
Assembly Protection
Member.............................. 3-41
1 Periodically Replaced Parts ................ 4-1
2 Consumables and Durables ................ 4-4
2.1 Copier......................................... 4-4
2.1.1 By the Copier’s Hard
Counter ................................ 4-4
2.1.2 By the Soft Counter in Service
Mode (COUNTER) ............. 4-6
2.2 Buffer Pass Unit-B1 ................... 4-6
2.3 Paper Deck-K1/J1 ...................... 4-6
3 Scheduled Servicing Procedure .......... 4-7
4 Scheduled Maintenance Chart ............ 4-8
4.1 Copier......................................... 4-8
4.2 Buffer Pass Unit - B1 ............... 4-12
4.3 Paper Deck - J1/K1 .................. 4-12