5. Access the Main pane.
6. In the A Media Type list, select the type of paper that is loaded. In this case, click Premium Glossy Paper 200.
Make sure the paper you select is loaded in the printer.
• The types of paper indicated in the printer driver and related software (as well as on the Control Pan-
el ) are updated when you install the Media Configuration Tool from the User Software CD-ROM or
if you change paper information by using the Media Configuration Tool. For details, see Media Con-
figuration Tool →P.669 .
7. After confirming that DEasy Settings is selected, click Photo (Color) in the EPrint Target list.
• For information on settings optimized for printing photos and images, see "Printing Photos and Im-
ages →P.18 "
• You can check the settings values selected in the EPrint Target list by clicking GView set..
8. Make your selection in the FPrint Quality list.
Working With Various Print Jobs
Printing Photos and Images
iPF6300 Printing Photos and Images (Mac OS X)