15. Select the BLighting Source Type and DColor Temperature determined in step 1.
If you have selected Monitor Matching in Matching Method on the Matching sheet, also select EIlluminance.
• If you will print repeatedly using the settings values you set this one time, we recommend completing
the settings by accessing the printer driver dialog box from the operating system menu.(See "Access-
ing the Printer Driver Dialog Box from the Operating System Menu (Windows) →P.207 ")
16. Click OK.
17. Confirm the print settings and print as desired.
Printing in Colors Matching the Measured Ambient Light (Mac OS X)
Measure the light level in the viewing environment and enter the results in the printer driver before printing.
• This function requires the i1 spectrophotometer. The Light Source Measure Tool must also be installed.
• You can install the Light Source Measure Tool from the User Software CD-ROM.
• For a list of supported i1 devices, refer to the manual provided with the Light Source Measure Tool.
1. Using the i1 spectrophotometer and the Light Source Measure Tool, determine the Lighting Source Type, Color
Temperature, and Illuminance in the viewing environment.
• For detailed instructions on the i1 and Light Source Measure Tool, refer to the provided instructions.
2. Choose Print in the application menu.
3. Select the printer in the dialog box, and then display the printer driver dialog box. (See "Accessing the Printer Driv-
er Dialog Box from Applications (Mac OS X).") →P.484
Adjustments for Better Print Quality
Color adjustment
iPF6300 Printing in Colors Matching the Measured Ambient Light (Mac OS X)