I-5 Index
Server menu commands 2-10
Server Selection tabs 2-11
Setup command 2-10, 3-30
Showpage after EPS files option 3-23
sliders 2-11
sorting jobs 2-25
source file 3-12
Spool area 2-2
job icons 2-18
spool, defined xiii
spooled jobs 2-2
displayed in Fiery WebSpooler 5-3
icons 2-18
status bars 2-2, 2-15
animation 2-16
displaying error 2-16
Print 5-2
RIP 5-2
Spool 5-2
status messages, Touch Panel Display 1-4
to 1-5
Status WebTool, see Fiery WebTools
Suspend Printing command 1-6, 2-10
switching servers 2-11, 3-25
system information 2-11
system performance A-6
target file 3-12
Template path command, in Preferences
dialog box 3-5
Temporary path command, in Preferences
dialog box 3-5
Test Page
printing A-10
printing from
Command WorkStation 3-6
problem printing A-9
Thumbnail A
editing options 3-13
page commands 3-12, 3-13
page display 3-11
window 3-12
Thumbnail A command 2-9, 2-22, 5-5
Thumbnail B
window 3-12
Thumbnail B command 2-9, 2-22, 5-5
Touch Panel Display 1-1 to 1-8
status messages 1-4 to 1-5
Command WorkStation cannot
connect to server A-7
Command WorkStation hangs A-6
general guidelines A-6
unexpected printing results A-8
users are unable to connect to the
printer A-9
Undo command 2-9, 3-13
undo, in editing thumbnail
views 2-33, 3-16
Units command, in Preferences dialog
box 3-5
up arrow key 1-3
View in Helper App command 2-11
Volume column, in Archive window 2-24
"Disk full" A-6
WebLink WebTool, see Fiery WebTools
WebSpooler, see Fiery WebSpooler
WebTools, see Fiery WebTools
Window menu commands 2-11
window selection tabs 2-6, 2-14
workflow scenarios 3-7
working with more than one server 3-24
Yes and No keys 1-3