When you have entered all the necessary values, click OK.
If it is difficult to pick the best pattern, pick the setting that produces the least noticeable vertical
(A) Less noticeable vertical white streaks
(B) More noticeable vertical white streaks
If it is difficult to pick the best pattern, pick the setting that produces the least noticeable
horizontal white streaks.
(A) Less noticeable horizontal white streaks
(B) More noticeable horizontal white streaks
Confirm the displayed message and click OK
The second pattern is printed.
Do not open the Scanning Unit (Cover) while printing is in progress.
Check the printed pattern
Enter the numbers of the patterns with the least amount of streaks in the associated boxes.
Clicking the patterns with the least amount of streaks in the preview window, will automatically set
their numbers in the associated boxes.
Page 752 of 941 pagesAligning the Print Head Position