
A-3 Token Ring Network Option
IPX/SPX installations
If your network uses IPX/SPX protocols with Token Ring, congure at least one
printer, one ColorPASS Print Server, and one ColorPASS Print Queue on the NetWare
server as described in Conguring a NetWare 3.x or 4.x server for printing on
page 5-7. You can congure up to eight bindery servers and one NDS tree connection
to the ColorPASS. This total is the same whether the ColorPASS is connected by
Token Ring, by Ethernet, or by both. For more information, see Setting up an NDS
connection on page 5-9.
TCP/IP installations
If your network uses TCP/IP protocols with Token Ring, congure at least one
printer and one ColorPASS queue on a Windows NT server (see Conguring a
Windows NT 4.0 server to support the ColorPASS on page 5-12), or on a UNIX
server (see Setting up the ColorPASS on TCP/IP networks on page 5-19).
Setting up Token Ring on the ColorPASS
Token Ring Setup on the Control Panel is similar to Ethernet Setup. From Network
Setup, perform Port Setup, Protocol Setup, and Service Setup. The setups you need are
summarized in the table on page 3-10.
NOTE: Connect the Token Ring cable before doing ColorPASS Network Setup, so that
the Token Ring card can congure itself properly.
Setting up NetWare Windows clients
Client setup is exactly the same as for IPX clients using Ethernet. See Setting up
NetWare Windows clients for printing on page 5-10 for details.