3-30 Performing Setup from the Control Panel
NetWare Print Server
List of print servers on selected file server
Choose the name of the print server that you now wish to use. This is the print server
that will route print jobs to the ColorPASS from computers on IPX networks.
If you change your mind, press the Menu button to return to the Bindery Setup menu
without making a change.
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
View Server List
Supported servers
This option lets you view the list of file servers currently connected to the ColorPASS,
that is, servers you have added in Bindery Setup. You are notified if there are none.
When you choose OK, you return to the Bindery Setup menu.
Network Setup
Service Setup
PServer Setup
Bindery Setup
Edit Connection
On each connected NetWare file server, you have defined a print server to handle
ColorPASS print jobs. Use this option to change the print server assigned to the
Choose File Server
File server name
From the list of connected NetWare file servers, choose the file server whose print
server you wish to change.