NOTE: when the instrument detects an out of
range condition, it assignes the P38 value to
the PID output but P18 and P20 parameter are
still active.
P39 = Digital filter on the displayed value
It is possible to apply to the displayed value a
digital filter of the first order with a time constant
equal to :
- 4 s for TC and RTD inputs
- 2 s for linear inputs
nOFL. = no filter
FLtr = filter enabled
P40 = Digital filter on the retransmitted value
This parameter is available only if P5 = PV.rt.
It is possible to apply to the retransmitted value a
digital filter of the first order with a time constant
equal to :
- 4 s for TC and RTD inputs
- 2 s for linear inputs
nOFL. = no filter
FLtr = filter enabled
P41 = Control action type
This parameter is skipped when none of the
outputs is programmed as control output.
Pid. = The process is controlled by PID action.
Pi. = The process is controlled by PI action.
P42 = Extension of the anti-reset-wind up
Range: from -30 to +30 % of the proportional
NOTE: a positive value increases the high limit of
the anti-reset-wind up (over set point) while a
negative value decreases the low limit of the anti-
reset-wind up (under set point).
P43 = Set point indication
Fn.SP = during operative mode, when the
instrument performs a ramp, it will show
the final set point value.
OP.SP =during operative mode, when the
instrument performs a ramp, it will show
the operative set point.
P44 = Operative set point alignment at
instrument start up
0 = At start up, the operative set point will be
aligned to SP or SP2 according to the digital
input status.
1 = At start up, the operative set point will be
aligned to the measured value, the selected
set point value will be reached by the
programmed ramp (see Grd1 and Grd2
operative parameters).
NOTE: if the instrument detects an out of range
or an error condition on the measured value it will
ever operate as described for P44 = 0.
The configuration procedure is terminated and the
display returns to show "COnF".
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