Note:When device is working with
SMART algorithm the Pb value will be
limited by P31 and P32 parameters.
HyS Hysteresis for ON/OFF control action
This parameter is available only when
Range: from 0.1% to 10.0% of the input
ti Integral time
This parameter is skipped if Pb=0 (ON/
OFF action).
Range: from 00.01 to 20.00 [mm.ss].
Above this value the display blanks and
integral action is excluded.
Note: When the device is working with
SMART algorithm, the minimum value of
the integral time will be limited by P33
td Derivative time
This parameter is skipped if Pb=0 (ON/
OFF action) or P41 = Pi.
Range:From 00.00 to 10.00 mm.ss.
Notes: When device is working with
SMART algorithm the td value will be
equal to a quarter of ti value.
IP Integral pre-load
- from 0.0 to 100.0 % of the output span
if device is configured for one control
- from -100.0 to 100.0 % of the output
span if device is configured for two
control outputs.
Cy2 Output 2 cycle time
This parameter is available only if P9 is
equal to rEv or dir.
Range:From 1 to 200 s.
Cy3 Output 3 cycle time
This parameter is available only if P11 is
equal to rEv or dir.
Range:From 1 to 200 s.
rC Relative Cooling gain.
This parameter is available only when
device is configured with two control
outputs and Pb is different from zero or
device is in manual mode.
Range: from 0.20 to 1.00
Note: When the device is working with
SMART algorithm and P23 is set to On
the RCG value is limited in accordance
with the selected type of cooling media:
- from 0.85 to 1.00 when P22 = AIr
- from 0.80 to 0.90 when P22 = OIL
- from 0.30 to 0.60 when P22 = H2O
OLAP Dead band/Overlap between H/C
This parameter is available only when
device id configured with two control
outputs and Pb is different from zero or
device is in manual mode.
Range: from -20 to 50 % of the
proportional band.
A negative OLAP value shows a dead
band while a positive value shows an
rL Set point low limit
Range: from initial scale value (P3) to
Note: When P3 has been modified, rL
will be realigned to it.
rH Set point high limit
Range:from rL to full scale value (P4).
Note: When P4 has been modified, rH
will be realigned to it.
1604-7-1-AB.p65 5/16/00, 10:50 AM23