Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor 13
TN3270 Configuration Task List
TN3270 Configuration Task List
The following sections describe how to configure TN3270 server support on the CIP. Not all tasks
are required. Refer to “TN3270 Configuration Example” for configuration examples.
Note The TN3270 server is configured on an internal LAN interface in the CIP, which is port 2 of
a CIP. Port 0 and port 1 represent physical interface ports; port 2 is a “virtual” port and is always
reserved for the internal LAN interface.
Task List for Multiple APPN Hosts
When the host site uses APPN and the TN3270 server can reach multiple hosts, we recommend you
use the SNA Session Switch feature and configure your PUs under DLUR. In this instance, perform
the following tasks:
• Configure SNA Support
• Configure TN3270 Server
• Configure DLUR
• Configure SAPs under DLUR
• Configure PUs under DLUR
• Monitor the TN3270 Server
Note You can also use DLUR to reach a mix of APPN and non-APPN hosts. The host owning the
PUs must be an APPN network node that also supports the subarea (that is, an interchange node).
When an SLU starts a session with any of the APPN hosts, it can use session switching to reach that
host directly. When it starts a session with a non-APPN host, the traffic will be routed through the
owning host.
Task List for Non-APPN Hosts
When the host site does not use APPN, or you have a single APPN host, you configure your PU
parameters for a directly connected host. In this instance, perform the following tasks:
• Configure SNA Support
• Configure TN3270 Server
• Configure PU Parameters on the TN3270 Server
• Monitor the TN3270 Server
Configure SNA Support
CIP SNA support (CSNA) must be configured prior to configuring TN3270 support. Refer to the
section “Configure IBM Channel Attach for CSNA Support,” in the “Configuring IBM Channel
Attach” chapter of Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide.
After you have configured CSNA support, proceed with TN3270 configuration.