44 TN3270 Server Commands
show extended channel tn3270-server dlurlink
show extended channel tn3270-server dlurlink
Use the show extended channel tn3270-server dlurlink privileged EXEC command to display
information about the DLUR components.
show extended channel slot/2 tn3270-server dlurlink name
Syntax Description
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
Sample Display
The following is sample output on the Cisco 7000 from the show extended channel tn3270-server
dlurlink command:
router# show extended channel 3/2 tn3270-server dlurlink P390
lsap token-adapter 0 5C vrn MPX.LAN4 status ACTIVE
link P390 remote 4000.7470.00e7 08 status ACTIVE
partner MPX.NGMVMPC tgn 1 maxdata 1033
Table 8 describes significant fields in the display.
slot/2 Specifies a particular CIP in the router where slot is the slot number.
The port value for a TN3270 server will always be 2.
name Name of the SNA session switch link to be displayed.
Table 8 Show tn3270-server dlurlink Field Descriptions
Field Description
LSAP...VRN...STATUS status Possible sap-status values and their meanings are:
• inactive—Not connected to adapter.
• pnd-actv—SAP activation in progress.
• active—SAP open.
• pnd-inac—SAP deactivation in progress.
LINK name Name is an invented name, @DLURnn, if not a configured link.
LINK...STATUS status Possible link-status values and their meanings are:
• inactive—Not connected to host.
• pnd-actv—Link activation in progress.
• active—Link active.
• pnd-inac—Link deactivation in progress.
PARTNER name CP name of the remote node for this link.
TGN tg-number Transmission group number for this link. Because the SNA session
switch only supports 1 transmission group per pair of CP names, it
is typically 0 or 1.
MAXDATA maxdata Maximum frame size allowed on this link.