Resolved Caveats
Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
Resolved Caveats - Release 3.0(10)
Table 2 lists and describes Caveats that were resolved in Cisco CallManager
Release 3.0(10).
Note If you have an account with Cisco.com (Cisco Connection Online), you can
use the Bug Toolkit to find caveats of any severity for any release.
To access the Bug Toolkit, log on to http://www.cisco.com/support/bugtools.
Table 2 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) Resolved Caveats
DDTS Number Summary Explanation
CSCdr51841 When a shared line appearance is
updated, all line appearances change.
When the shared line is changed, only this
one appearance now changes.
CSCdr81185 Windows Media Player may crash when
streaming media.
A problem existed with the co-existence of
a TAPI service provider and the Windows
Media Player. If a TAPI service provider is
installed, the Windows Media Player may
hang or generate an error message when
streaming media.
A Cisco CallManager code change corrects
this behavior.
CSCds20015 Cisco IP Phone7960 P3 port does not
forward for first 9 seconds after link-up.
A Cisco CallManager code change adds a
service parameter to Settings/Network
Configuration/Forwarding Delay YES/NO.
Set to YES for connecting two switches. Set
to NO for connecting a PC\workstation.
The default setting designates Forwarding
Delay YES.