Release Notes for Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10)
Resolved Caveats
CSCdt71276 Backing up Media Convergence Server
takes about 50 minutes; in previous
versions, this took much less time.
The priority of the backup engine was
reduced, so it does not interfere with the
operation of the Cisco CallManager.
A code change corrects this behavior, so the
backup takes less time.
CSCdt71631 Name changes to partitions do not take
effect until the Cisco CallManager
A code change ensures that, after changing
the name of partition, the renaming will
take effect without restarting database layer
and calling search space.
CSCdt72448 “lineGetCallInfo” fails after call
transitions from CONF to IDLE.
If an application tries to do a
lineGetCallInfo on a call that has
transitioned from the CONFERENCED
state to the IDLE state, the TSP returns
The problem occured on
Cisco CallManager 3.0(6) with TSP
CSCdt72868 The existing route pattern update fails. A Cisco CallManager code change inserts
an alarm to collect more information when
the Cisco CallManager fails to update the
local database tables when it receives
change notification from database layer.
CSCdt73576 Deleting multiple CTI route points
causes a JavaScript runtime error.
A modification fixes the JavaScript error.
CSCdt74051 Pilot point stops working after TCD
stops and starts.
A Cisco CallManager code change corrects
this behavior.
CSCdt74385 A need exists for CDR
globalCallID_callid to be more than 20
The code now allows globalCallID to be 24
bits so that the CDR database can hold more
than 1,048,575 unique records.
CSCdt74871 A need exists to delete unassigned
directory numbers from previous
Directory numbers now disappear from this
list after upgrade.
Table 2 Cisco CallManager Release 3.0(10) Resolved Caveats (continued)
DDTS Number Summary Explanation