Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
FMEC Cards
The ONS 15454 SDH FMEC-E1 card provides front-mount electrical connection for fourteen
ITU-compliant, G.703 E-1 ports. With the FMEC-E1 card, each E1-N-14 port operates at 2.048 Mbps
over a 75-ohm unbalanced coaxial 1.0/2.3 miniature coaxial connector.
For the FMEC-E1 module, the Slot Properties pane displays the following tabs: Module View,
Identification, and Info.
D.2.3.1 Module View Tab
The Module View tab displays a graphic of the FMEC-E1 that is installed in the slot. The number of
critical, major, minor, and warning alarms for the module is displayed under Alarm Status. (Alarms are
also displayed when you move the mouse pointer over the graphic.) The Suppress Alarms check box is
read-only and indicates whether all alarms are suppressed for the card and its port(s).
D.2.3.2 Identification Tab
The Identification tab allows you to view and update FMEC-E1 identification information.
D.2.3.3 Info Tab
The Info tab allows you to view nominal operating values set during manufacturing for the FMEC-E1
Table D-13 Field Descriptions for the Identification Tab
Field Description
Equipment Type Displays the equipment type the slot is provisioned for.
Actual Equipment Type Displays the actual card that is installed in the slot.
HW Part Number Displays the card part number that is printed on the top of the card.
Hardware Revision Displays the hardware revision number.
Serial Number Displays the card serial number that is unique to each card.
CLEI Code Displays the CLEI code.
Firmware Version Displays the revision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card.
Product ID Displays a product ID string of 63 characters maximum. If the card does not support the product
ID, the field shows N/A.
Version ID Displays a version ID string in the format “V99_.” The version ID always begins with a V and
ends with a space. If the card does not support the version ID, the field shows N/A.
Equipment State Displays the equipment state of the card.
Alarm Profile Sets the alarm profile for the port. Check the Suppress Alarms check box to suppress all alarms
for this card and its port(s).
Table D-14 Field Descriptions for the Info Tab
Field Description
Extended Manufacturing Information
Attribute Displays the nominal card specification.
Value Displays the value of the attribute.