Cisco Transport Manager Release 7.2 User Guide
Appendix D Slot Property Information—FC_MR-4, FMEC, Multirate, Optical, and Transponder Cards
Multirate Cards
D. VC-4 Config Subtab
The VC-4 Config subtab allows you to view and change the VC-4 settings of the MRC-12 card.
D. SDH Path Thresh 15 Min Subtab
The SDH Path Thresh 15 Min subtab allows you to view and change the 15-minute path thresholds of
the MRC-12 card.
Table D-71 Field Descriptions for the VC-4 Config Subtab
Field Description
VC Number Displays the VC number.
IPPM Enabled Check to enable intermediate path performance monitoring (IPPM) and uncheck to disable IPPM.
XC Loopback Indicates cross-connect loopback.
Table D-72 Field Descriptions for the SDH Path Thresh 15 Min Subtab
Field Description
Near End
VC Number Displays the VC-4 port number.
EB-HP Errored block–higher order path.
ES-HP Errored seconds–higher order path.
SES-HP Severely errored seconds–higher order path.
UAS-HP Unavailable seconds–higher order path.
BBE-HP Background block errors–higher order path.
PPJC-Pdet Positive Pointer Justification Count, Path Detected (PPJC-Pdet) is a count of the positive pointer
justifications detected on a particular path on an incoming SDH signal.
NPJC-Pdet Negative Pointer Justification Count, Path Detected (NPJC-Pdet) is a count of the negative pointer
justifications detected on a particular path on an incoming SDH signal.
PPJC-Pgen Positive Pointer Justification Count, Path Generated (PPJC-Pgen) is a count of the positive pointer
justifications generated for a particular path.
NPJC-Pgen Negative Pointer Justification Count, Path Generated (MS-NPJC-Pgen) is a count of the negative pointer
justifications generated for a particular path.
PJCS-Pdet Number of Higher Order Path Pointer Justification Count Seconds detected on a particular path.
PJCS-Pgen Number of Higher Order Path Pointer Justification Count Seconds generated for a particular path.
PJC-Diff Displays the sum of the absolute values of differences between positive transmitted and received, and
negative transmitted and received. The important metric on pointer justification is not the exact counts,
but how many were absorbed.
Far End
VC Number Displays the VC-4 port number.
EB-HP Errored block–higher order path.
ES-HP Errored seconds–higher order path.
SES-HP Severely errored seconds–higher order path.