There are no steps to verify this part of the configuration. It can be verified at the end of the next subtasks.
All of the troubleshooting guidelines can be found in the Troubleshooting Guidelines section at the end of this
Configuring the Cisco Aironet 1200 AP
The instructions in this section describe the minimum configuration steps to enable a Cisco Aironet 1200 AP
with static WEP keys. This will allow the Cisco 7920 to access the LAN and to register with a Cisco
CallManager server.
Step−by−Step Instructions
Tip: Right−click the Back button on your browser to quickly return to a previous page in the Cisco Aironet
1200 AP management pages.
Load the Cisco Aironet 1200 AP administration page into your browser with the address
http://1200ap−ip−address .
Use the left navigation bar to configure the Access Point.
Choose Security > SSID Manager.a.
On the SSID Properties page, select <NEW> in the Current SSID List and enter the SSID in
the SSID field.
For the purpose of the configuration, the SSID is kormakur. It should be the same one that
you previously entered in the Cisco 7920.