
Check the Log to CSV RADIUS Accounting report check box.i.
Accept the defaults for the column values, and click Submit.j.
When you are done, the Logging Configuration area should like this:
This completes the configuration steps required to enable the Cisco 7920 to do LEAP authentication.
If the Cisco 7920 is already powered on, power cycle it. If it is off, turn it on now. Watch the messages as it
boots up and authenticates and associates.
Note: The first time that you power it on after you set up LEAP, the Cisco 7920 will occasionally fail to
register with the Cisco CallManager server. If it does, power cycle it again.
Click the Reports and Activities button to navigate to the Reports and Activities page.1.
If the Cisco 7920 successfully authenticated and associated, click Passed Authentications.2.