Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
2.7.151 LO-TXPOWER
Step 8 If the alarm does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1-800-553-2447) in order to report a Service-Affecting (SA)
2.7.151 LO-TXPOWER
Default Severity: Minor (MN), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
SONET Logical Objects: EQPT, OCN
DWDM Logical Object: PPM
The Equipment Low Transmit Power alarm is an indicator for OCN port transmitted optical signal
power. LO-TXPOWER occurs when the measured optical power of the transmitted signal falls under the
threshold. The threshold value is user-provisionable.
Clear the LO-TXPOWER Alarm
Step 1 Display the reporting card’s card view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > Optical > Optics Thresholds tabs.
Step 3 Increase the TX Power Low column value by 1%.
Step 4 If the card transmit power setting cannot be increased without affecting the signal, complete the
“Physically Replace a Card” procedure on page 2-154.
Caution Removing a card that currently carries traffic on one or more ports can cause a traffic hit. To avoid this,
perform an external switch if a switch has not already occurred. See the “2.10.1 Protection Switching,
Lock Initiation, and Clearing” section on page 2-147 for commonly used traffic-switching procedures.
Caution Always use the supplied electrostatic discharge wristband when working with a powered ONS 15310-CL
or ONS 15310-MA.
Note When you replace a card with the identical type of card, you do not need to make any changes
to the database.
Step 5 If no ports are shown bad and the alarm does not clear, log into the Technical Support Website at
http://www.cisco.com/techsupport for more information or call Cisco TAC (1-800-553-2447).
2.7.152 LPBKCRS
Default Severity: Not Alarmed (NA), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)