Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-3323 APC system is busy. Automatic Power Control (APC) system is
EID-3324 No path to regulate. There is no circuit path to regulate.
EID-3325 Requested action not allowed. Generic DWDM provisioning failure
EID-3326 Wrong input value. The input value is incorrect.
EID-3327 Error in getting thresholds. There was an error retrieving the thresholds.
This message is displayed only for the
OSCM/OSC-CSM line thresholds.
EID-3328 Error applying changes to row {0}.Value out of range. There was an error applying the changes to
the specified row. The value is out of range.
EID-3330 Unable to switch to the byte because an overhead channel is
present on this byte of the port.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3331 Error applying changes to row. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3334 Cannot change timing parameters on protect port. You cannot change timing parameters on
protect port.
EID-3335 The type of this port cannot be changed: SDH validation check
failed. Check if this port is part of a circuit, protection group,
SONET DCC, orderwire, or UNI-C interface.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3336 Error on reading a control mode value. The Control Mode must be retrieved.
EID-3337 Error on setting a set point gain value. The Gain Set Point must be set.
EID-3338 Error on reading a set-point gain value. The Gain Set Point must be retrieved.
EID-3339 Error on setting a tilt calibration value. The tilt calibration must be set.
EID-3340 Error on setting expected wavelength. The expected wavelength must be set.
EID-3341 Error on reading expected wavelength. The expected wavelength must be retrieved.
EID-3342 Error on reading actual wavelength. The actual wavelength must be retrieved.
EID-3343 Error on reading actual band. The actual band must be retrieved.
EID-3344 Error on reading expected band. The expected band must be retrieved.
EID-3345 Error on setting expected band. The expected band must be set.
EID-3346 Error retrieving defaults from the node: {0}. There was an error retrieving defaults from
the specified node.
EID-3347 Cannot load file {0}. CTC cannot load the specified file.
EID-3348 Cannot load properties from the node. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3349 Cannot save NE Update values to file. Check your file system for space constraint
or any other problem.
EID-3350 Cannot load NE Update properties from the node: Refer to the error message text.
EID-3351 File {0} does not exist. The specified file does not exist.
EID-3352 Error on setting value at {0}. There was an error while setting the value at
the specified location.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description