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• Calls must be on the same line before you can add them to a standard conference call. If calls are
on different lines, transfer them to a single line before using Confrn or Join.
• If you get an error stating, “No Participant Info” when attempting to use Join, be sure that you
have selected at least one call in addition to the active call, which is selected automatically.
• Depending on how your phone is configured, if you leave a conference after creating it, the
conference might end. See the last row of the above table for more information.
Starting or Joining a Meet-Me Conference Call
Meet-Me conferencing allows participants to join a conference by calling the conference number
directly, rather than waiting for the conference initiator to call them. See the following table for details.
Remove any conference par-
Highlight the participant’s name and press Remove. You can remove
participants only if you initiated the conference call.
End your participation in a
standard conference
Hang up or press EndCall. If you did not initiate the conference call,
hanging up will not disrupt the connection for the remaining parties.
If you initiated the conference call, hanging up might end the confer-
ence (depending on how your system administrator configured your
phone). To avoid this, you can transfer the conference to another
caller before hanging up. That caller then acts as the “virtual con-
troller” for the conference. A virtual controller cannot add or
remove parties; however, the conference continues with the estab-
lished participants.
If you want to... Then...
Establish a Meet-Me
Press NewCall or lift the receiver to go off-hook. Then press MeetMe
and dial the Meet-Me conference number. (See your administrator for
a list of valid numbers.)
Remember to inform participants about the conference number so that
they can dial in. Participants will hear a busy tone if they call the
conference number before you have dialed in.
Participate in a Meet-Me
Dial the Meet-Me conference number (provided by the conference
initiator). You will be connected to the conference only after the
conference initiator has dialed in.
End a Meet-Me conference Hang up or press EndCall.
If you want to... Then...