
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show tlport
show tlport
To display configured TL port information, use the show tlport command
show tlport { alpa-cache | discapp fcid fcid-id [vsan vsan-id] [verbose] | interface fc slot/port {all
| private | proxied | topology | unsupported} | list [vsan vsan-id]}
Syntax Description
Defaults None.
Command Modes EXEC mode.
Command History This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(2).
Usage Guidelines The show tlport command displays the TL port interface configurations. This command provides a list
of all TL ports configured on a box and displays the associated VSAN, the FC ID for the port (only
domain and area are valid), and the current operational state of the TL port (up or initializing).
alpa-cache Displays the contents of the ALPA cache.
discapp Displays private N port parameters.
fcid fcid-id Specifies the FCID of the N port.
verbose Specifies the verbose mode.
vsan vsan-id Specifies the N port VSAN ID. The range is 1 to 4093.
interface Displays TL ports in the selected interface.
fc slot/port Specifies the Fiber Channel interface at the specified slot and port.
all Displays all proxied & private devices on this TL Port.
private Displays all private devices on this TL Port.
proxied Displays all proxied devices on this TL Port.
topology Displays loop topology for this TL Port.
unsupported Displays all unsupported devices on this TL Port.
list Displays TL ports in all VSANs.