Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
78-16088-01, Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3
Chapter 20 Show Commands
show tlport
Examples The following example displays the TL ports in all VSANs.
switch# show tlport list
Interface Vsan FC-ID State
------------------------- ------
fc1/16 1 0x420000 Init
fc2/26 1 0x150000 Up
The following example displays the detailed information for a specific TL port.
switch# show tlport interface fc1/16 all
fc1/16 is up, vsan 1, FCID 0x420000
alpa pWWN nWWN SCSI Type Device FC-ID
0x01 20:10:00:05:30:00:4a:de 20:00:00:05:30:00:4a:de Initiator Proxied 0xfffc42
0x73 22:00:00:20:37:39:ae:54 20:00:00:20:37:39:ae:54 Target Private 0x420073
0xef 20:10:00:05:30:00:4a:de 20:00:00:05:30:00:4a:de Initiator Switch 0x0000ef
The following example displays TL port information for private devices.
switch# show tlport int fc1/16 pri
fc1/16 is up, vsan 1, FCID 0x420000
alpa pWWN nWWN SCSI Type FC-ID
0x73 22:00:00:20:37:39:ae:54 20:00:00:20:37:39:ae:54 Target 0x420073
0x74 22:00:00:20:37:38:d3:de 20:00:00:20:37:38:d3:de Target 0x420074
The following example displays TL port information for proxied devices.
switch# show tlport int fc1/16 prox
fc1/16 is up, vsan 1, FCID 0x420000
alpa pWWN nWWN SCSI Type FC-ID
0x01 20:10:00:05:30:00:4a:de 20:00:00:05:30:00:4a:de Initiator 0xfffc42
0x02 21:00:00:e0:8b:01:95:e7 20:00:00:e0:8b:01:95:e7 Initiator 0x420100
The following example displays the contents of the alpa-cache.
switch# show tlport alpa-cache
alpa pWWN Interface
0x02 22:00:00:20:37:46:09:bd fc1/2
0x04 23:00:00:20:37:46:09:bd fc1/2